Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Mashed Potatoes and Gravy

Kato had a work party on Sunday in Tomah. We arranged the food and beverages. Since most people RSVP'd we figured there would be about 40 people, the day of the party at least 15 of those people were no shows. We had alot of left overs. Many people took stuff home with them but there was still leftovers. We ordered KFC, a cake, a veggie tray, and I made two fruit platters. Since then I have been eating mashed potatoes and gravy everyday for lunch. I am happy to announce the mashed tats and gravy are GONE!!! If we go to KFC any time soon I will not order mashed potatoes and gravy I might not even order french fries or potatoes of any kind for that matter. I would like to have more chicken. thanks for reading xoxo

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