Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Alex and the eye doctor

Over a month ago we set up appointments for Alex to go to the regular doctor, the eye doctor and the dentist. Kato picked the eye doctor appointment so Kato took Alex to the eye doctor today. I went out prior to and bought him some super cool spiderman sunglasses so that he would have something to look forward to after he got his eyes checked. The doctor had to put drops in his eyes to dilate them, he didn't like that part. After the examination we learned Alex has astigmatism and will need to wear glasses. The doc said it could correct itself and to bring him back in 9 months. I am so glad he went because kindergarten is right around the corner and getting things like this checked out prior to him starting can make things so much better for learning. I was surprised to learn that alot of young kids have this and it can be corrected. So we will go out and find him something he likes to wear and encourage him to wear them. After the appointment the guys had lunch together which was really nice cause its not very often that Daddy gets to do that. Next week he has his kindergarten check up and will have to get shots, unfortunately I am the one who has to take him. If you ask me Kato got off easy. Next month we go to the dentist, that should be a real treat! Not. thanks for reading xoxo

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