Saturday, April 24, 2010

Alex got his glasses...

What a busy day. I wished I could have slept in a bit but I woke up around 4am and couldn't get back to sleep. We went to get Alex his glasses today. He picked out one pair and Kato and I picked out another. The pair he picked out was shiny and more expensive the pair we picked are the ones in the photo and for some reason he wants to wear them more. I like the way he looks in glasses. He said he sees better. After the ordering of the glasses which took 4 hours to make we went to Toys R Us for a few minutes. The kids like to look at toys. Jade got a new toothbrush and Alex got a yo-yo. Not bad. Then we hit the grocery store. Kato has a work party tomorrow so we had to get supplies as well as our household groceries. Once we got home and unloaded Kato and Alex went back to pick up the finished glasses, Jade took a nap, and I prepared two platters of fruit and an olive and pickle tray along with a dip and made spaghetti for dinner, and got stuff ready to take to the party. They were gone for 2 1/2 hours. My feet and back were killing me. All I want right now is my bed but have to finish dinner and finish getting stuff ready for tomorrow. Hopefully sleep will be better tonight. Alex you look very handsome. thanks for reading xoxo

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