Friday, April 16, 2010

Dont you think your fat enough???

So we decided to go to Pizza Hut last night for dinner. We asked Alex what kind of pizza he wanted. He said he didn't want pizza he wanted the small circle things that are red and white. We couldn't figure it out so we kept asking him questions. "Is it on a pizza?" "Is it in the salad bar?" He kept answering no. We went through the menu looking at the photos and asking him if it was what he was talking about. Again the answers were no, thats not it! Kato asked if it was hot or cold, Alex replied sometimes its cold but sometimes its spicy. I said go up and look at the salad bar and see if you see it. By this time the waitress had stopped by 2 times. Finally the light turned on in Katos head and he said ohhhhh I know what he wants...he asked Alex if the waitress brings it out and Alex said yes. Kato knew what it was and at that point I didn't really care anymore I just wanted to eat. I said what it is? It was the after dinner mints that they bring out with your check. Basically candy. After a few seconds of laughing at how crazy it was we were on our way to eating dinner. We told Alex no he had to eat something more then just candy but he said he wasn't going to eat then. So fine let him starve. Kato and I got salads and Jade had some salad stuff too. Alex was just sitting there when he said "uh Mom? I have nothing to eat." So up to the salad bar we go and he picked out his salad stuff and ate it all gone. When the pizza arrived he ate that too, so much for not eating anything but the mints. I was done, Alex was done, Jade was finishing up and Kato decided he wanted more salad. Alex was getting upset because he really wanted the mints and knew it came with the check after everyone was done eating. When Kato got back to the table with more salad Alex said "uh daddy, you going to eat all that?" Kato said yes, Alex let out a big sigh and said "don't you think your fat enough?" I couldn't stop laughing and the people sitting across from us chuckled too. Kato laughed and gave Alex a look then explained it was healthy for him. Alex just really wanted him to be done so he could get the mints. Finally the check came, Alex got his mints and a sucker and shared a sucker with Jade. thanks for reading xoxo

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