Monday, April 5, 2010

Easter Weekend

Spring break is over and now we are back to normal...well almost! Friday Kato's cousin Izzy came over and stayed with us for the weekend. He is 7 and him and Alex had alot of fun. They played so well and there was only one time when I had to say "quit it" which is nothing compared to what I have to say non stop during the week. Friday Kato also went down to pick up Michael from the airport and it is so nice to have him home. Saturday we got the swing set from the neighbors and the kids have been playing on it ever since. It wasn't too difficult for the guys to bring it over and it only took about an hour with 2 guys watching while 1 guy did most of the work, but isn't that how it goes anyway? Sunday was Easter and the kids awoke to a table full of stuff and a backyard full of eggs. After they opened everything or at least looked at it all and found the eggs we got ready to go to Jayne and Keith's for brunch. It was really good and nice to visit with Grandma Lamb for a bit. All in all it was an ok weekend, it was busy and almost as if I didn't get a day off but it was productive. I hope next weekend it rains alot and we are stuck inside so I can get the new shelves up and the kids toys need to be organized better. Then again now that we have the swing set they can play outside while Dad watches and I will stay inside and do the work. Its Monday now and I really hope the Easter Bunny left us a good Monday! thanks for reading xoxo

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