Sunday, April 18, 2010


Friday night Jayne came to pick up the little kids and Michael went to bed around 9pm so he could get up for a wrestling tournament. Kato worked in his man room and I worked in my bedroom. I was able to pull together everything that fits me and put it in one drawer of my larger sized dresser (I have 3 dressers, and a walk in closet, plus the stuff in the storage room) so now instead of searching all over for my maternity stuff its all in one place. Most of its for summer but its gonna have to do because I am not buying more clothes for this pregnancy. Saturday morning Kato and I woke up and went to breakfast. It was nice to go out and have it be just us. Not that we don't' love our kids but did you read what happened at Pizza Hut? After that we went to the pet store and checked out fish stuff. Alex has been nagging us, well me, for a pet fish. We then went to get a car wash but the line was too big so we went up to St. Vinny's. Kato found some work shorts he wanted. He was so excited when he found them he came running, and I mean running over to me. "Can I get em? Huh Can I Can I?" It was odd but he looked like a little boy in a candy store. Then he said in his best voice that was supposed to sound like me "how you gonna pay for em?" Let's be realistic, its a used clothing store and the shorts were like $4 so paying for them was not an issue but whatever. He then, with his super wide grin, whips out of the pocket a twenty dollar bill!! NO WAY I said. He had found $20 in the shorts. I guess they don't go through them that well. He was so excited. We grabbed a couple more things and then headed for home. We were able to run a few errands without the little kids which was nice. We ended up getting Alex a pet fish, and he named it Swimmy. He was so excited. Michael got two medals at wrestling and we also got him some redneck comedy dvds that he likes. Jade got a new toothbrush and an outfit for her big sister debut.

Alex got to go to the zoo with his Grandpa Keith and Jade went shopping with Grandma Jayne. They dropped them off around 5, we had dinner, watched a movie, and went to bed. It was a great Saturday. thanks for reading xoxo

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