Sunday, April 18, 2010


Alex had his bell ringing and song singing for preschool at church today. He was picky at first about what to wear and how he wanted to wear it along with how he was going to style his hair. We got there almost at 9am. We sat in the second row and listened to the sermon. Alex did very well. The preschool kids all got up in front and played the bells and sang a song. Alex did pretty well, its difficult to get him to smile. After church they had an Easter egg hunt for the kids. Each kid got to get 5 eggs, a pencil, and a box of nerds. We thanked the Pearsons for allowing us to be included today and went home. We changed our clothes and ended up being outside for most of the day. Kato was working on running cable from the house to the garage so this summer they can watch baseball when we have our driveway parties. It'll be good for end of summer too when football starts up again. Its so nice having a handy husband who knows how to do cool stuff like that. Alex fell out of the neighbors tree and messed up his arm, its not broken just scratched up. He loves Swimmy and checks in on him through out the day. Kabobs for dinner followed by strawberry shortcake. Baths for the kids and for the husband then settle down for a show before bed.

Today is the one year anniversary of my grandpa Dales passing. I miss him all the time and think about him everyday. I called my grandma but she was out, probably visiting him. I miss our Sunday phone calls. I just miss him and love him so much. Its hard to believe its already been a year when it still can make me cry so hard. thanks for reading xoxo

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