Monday, April 5, 2010

Mr. Fix It and his helper

My wonderful husband has always been the type of guy to do things himself. When ever something needs fixing he does it himself. Whenever there is a home improvement project, he does it himself. We have had broken pipes, leaky faucets, broken windows, door leaks, basement flooding, and various home improvement tasks like redoing our hardwood floors (ok not the best example for those of you who have seen them but that was because of the dog), installing a dishwasher, replacing fixtures and lighting, and much more and my husband has done it all. I can only think of two times when we paid someone to fix something or do something and once was for the automatic garage door which if you have ever had a problem like a broken spring you know you have to call professionals and once for installing of carpet upstairs in Jades room and well duh on that one! Anyway, sometimes he says he fixes things too good, for example, our main door we use is actually the back door. It was letting in too much cold air so during the winter he put on more trim which made it harder to shut the door without slamming it. For those of you who visit you know what I am talking about. Anyway, last night he decided to fix his original fix by removing the trim and spacing it out a bit. Surprise it worked and now the door should be considered perfect!! Well Jade decided to help in her Easter dress and work boots. Its nice not having to slam the door shut anymore. Thanks Husband!! thanks for reading xoxo

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