Friday, April 30, 2010

Alex at the doc office

Wednesday Alex had his kindergarten readiness doctors appointment. I knew it would be difficult because he hates getting shots but I never imagined it would be as bad as it was. I am not one to rule out bribery when it comes to getting your kids to cooperate in certain circumstances such as getting 5 shots so I had prepared by getting him another Zhu Zhu pet as a reward. He is really into animals right now. Anyway, I explained he had a surprise for when the time comes and at first it worked but as soon as we walked through the doors to get to our room it changed. Getting him to get on the scale was a hassle and getting him to back up against a wall to be measured was even worse. He didn't want to do either and it was frustrating. He clung to my leg as we walked down the hall and Jade was in my arms cause she wanted to look and go where she wanted. The next stop was the eye exam. He was just at the eye doc but his pediatrician wanted to get it done anyway. It took us almost 1/2 hour just to get him to cooperate with it. He was crying and yelling that he didn't want to do it. Jade was running around and by now I was profusely sweating buckets!! Finally the nurse said forget it and we went back to the room. The doc came in and tried to get Alex to answer some questions which he refused again. I told him the longer he doesn't answer the longer we have to be there. He finally gave in and started to behave, for about 3 minutes. After another 1/2 of talking with the doc he wanted to examine Alex up on the table, again screaming and crying and fighting. The doctor finishes up and leaves. Alex then knows what is next...shots. The nurse comes in and he ducks under the chairs and refuses to come out. I pull him out get him up on the table and he starts screaming bloody murder at the top of his lungs "NO PLEASE NO SHOTS!" Jade starts screaming too and is clinging to my leg for dear life. Two nurses and myself hold him down and the 5 shots are given. He is bright red and mad as a fire cracker! After two minutes of calm down time we get ready to leave, he gets 4 stickers and a sucker and walks out with a limp exclaiming all the way how much he hates shots and how I shouldn't have done that. The entire appointment lasted only 1 hour and 35 minutes but it felt like forever!!! I am glad I don't have to go through that again for another 4 years. I am, however, not looking forward to the dentist in a couple weeks!!! thanks for reading xoxo

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