Monday, May 31, 2010

Saturday and stuff

It was another hot weekend!! We got invited to Jayne and Keith's for a Saturday lunch because Katos aunt and uncle were there. We visited for a bit and came home. While we were gone we had Michael doing some chores to earn some money for the tractor pull Saturday night. He sat up the pool for the kids, swept the side of the house, mowed the lawn, cleaned up his room, and did some little things. Anyway, Alex was in the pool within minutes, Jade took a nap, I went to get a air conditioner for the bedroom, and Kato did something. Our room is 90 when the rest of the house is 78...TOO HOT AT NIGHT!! Since its a three day weekend we had plenty of time to get stuff done. The baby is coming in 7 weeks so we need to get going. My feet swell so bad and they hurt alot. I am so tired all the time it feels like I don't have any energy and I know its a drag for the kids. I feel bad but know its only temporary. If I had to guess what this baby is I would have said its a boy, based on my symptoms. I have to figure out how I am going to get it done with what little time I have left. I just have to go a little slower and take more breaks with my feet up. I hope I can handle all the daycare kids for the short amount of time they will be here. Who knows maybe they will pump up my energy level and give me an extra boost!!

Last night we got a kick out of Jades saggy diaper. Her little butt crack was hanging out and everything. It was pretty funny.

thanks for reading xoxo

Alex PreSchool Graduation

Friday night my little nugget graduated preschool. He had been going to the Jesus Loves Me Preschool since he was three years old. His teacher, Mrs. Pearson, had taught some of my other daycare kids and over the years I have gotten to know her and really appreciated her teaching style. She is so good with the children. I felt comfortable having Alex go there one because of her and two because it was so close to the house. So Friday the kids put on skits, played the bells, and sang a song for us parents. It was wonderful. Alex was the dog in the Little Red Hen, a story I have read to him thousands of times. Alex got a certificate and a balloon. I teared up only a little but felt so proud. I miss him being little but love watching him grow. He starts Kindergarten in September, it will be bittersweet. thanks for reading xoxo

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Sunday through Wednesday

Sunday was really hot!!! We got the blow up pool out of the space above the garage and set it up only to find 3 holes. Kato patched them up and we thought we were good but as it turned out, Monday morning we awoke to a flat pool. Anyway, the neighbors had theirs up and the kids played in it for a bit. Jade had a little frog pool set up which she liked but was much more interested in the bigger pool. Kato did a bunch of projects around the house that consisted of painting and fixing up outside stuff. He painted a small space under the doors but the color doesn't match the rest of the trim. I think he used a brick red from the inside of our house. We will have to get more of the trim color and repaint. Michael trimmed up the bushes around the house which needed to be done so they don't rub up against the house. He did a great job!! We enjoyed root beer floats made with diet ice cream and diet root beer. I think they are just as good but I am used to diet flavor stuff these days. Monday I woke up with a rip roaring sore throat and toughed it out until Tuesday and finally went to the doctors. I am at the clinic way to much and I know I have said that before. I didn't get anything for it and today Alex said I sound horrible. My best friend right now is Tylenol and even that isn't doing much for the pain. I will get an antibiotic tomorrow if its not better. I sleep like crap and feel super tired. I have to make two dozen cupcakes tonight for Alex's school party on Friday. He graduates from preschool and is going to be the dog in the school play. Should be a fun night. thanks for reading xoxo

Saturday and the Gigantic Marshmallows

I had company Saturday morning which was a nice break from the regular Saturday morning routine. Kato did a great job of watching the kids for me so I could talk with Julie. After that I had some serious grocery shopping to do. I hate it and it always takes two carts and alot of money and time. I get looks at everyone and have to explain its something I do twice a least. Anyway, it takes about 1 hour to unload the car and get it all put away and by the time that was done it was time to get ready for the nights events. We had a cook out with the neighbors which is always a blast. Brats, dogs, hamburgers, fruit, pasta salad and corn on the cob followed by the traditional roasting of the marshmallows to make smores. This year I got some huge marshmallows which are equivalent to four regular size. They were yummy but super messy. Usually people will have two to four smores, with these babies everyone, except Michael and Mikey had one. I am not a huge fan of bugs but it just so happens they really like me and a gigantic beetle swooped down and landed on my head which freaked me out. The kids thought it was funny, Kato didn't believe me when I told him something landed on me but he finally got up and swatted it off my head. The next day he commented again on how big it was...thanks honey. Jade got sleepy around 9:30 so off to bed we went. Alex ended up falling asleep outside in the chair and Michael crashed at Mikeys. It was a fun time but I really craved a beer. I got Kato some to enjoy. He doesn't drink much when I am pregnant and I do appreciate it only cause we really like beer not to get drunk but for flavor. We have a top 6 list which changes when new beers come out. I am looking forward to my traditional after baby beer which is usually a Corona with Lime. Not sure why I crave that one but its what I craved after Alex and Jade. Anyway, thanks for reading xoxo

Barbara Lamb, Katos Grandma

The rest of last week, Thursday through Saturday, went fairly smooth with no more bad news. Friday we went to Jayne and Keith's, spent some time with them and Grandma Lamb and ate dinner. We had a chance to look through Grandma's journals and read some short stories from her childhood. I am glad the family has those to look back on. She wrote a cute story about her brother and how one cold day she told him to put his tongue on something metal and how his tongue froze to it. She has alot of great memories. I enjoyed reading them and since I haven't spent much time with her it was a way for me to get to know her better. She wrote how she couldn't have imagined one day there would be a machine to wash clothes or dishes. She wrote about her husband, Bob (Robert) and their first date to the roller skating rink. She wasn't sure about him at first. She said he dressed funny. Her dads car got a flat tire on the way to the ceremony and Bob got out and fixed it. I can see where Kato gets some of his fix it skills from. Anyway, I felt sad for her because she had lost another child, even though he was a grown up. I am sure its not easy at any age. I am also sure it was really hard on Jayne having to tell her multiple times due to her dementia. I was glad we had some time with them and pray for healing for the family. Alex, who doesn't understand why she asked him about 1000 times how old he was, got a little frustrated. We tell him about how when people get older they turn into babies again and need extra help with things. Not that they look like babies but their needs are similar. They need help getting dressed and eating and sometimes going to the bathroom. They need help remembering too just like Jade needs to be reminded everyday not to bite or grab at his glasses. It may not be the best explanation but its what we had at the moment. I was glad Michael was there too since he is always so busy with things. It was a good Friday night with family in a time where nothing mattered more then family. thanks for reading xoxo

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Its raining and pouring all at the same time again...

Its been another week where when it rains it pours and keeps on pouring...

Monday Alex had a dentist appointment and it did not go well. We don't have dental insurance which makes it even worse. Tuesday Jade got an ear infection and had to go to the doctors. Wednesday my mom called and told me my Auntie Gail has stage 1 breast cancer, Wednesday night Katos dad called to tell us his Uncle Jim passed away. Also on Wednesday Alex went to a special kid dentist and gave us the reality of his teeth and lets just say it was a little overwhelming.

I had weird dreams all night last night and I am just wondering what bad news will we get today. Here is my prayer for the day...Please Dear God, watch over my family and friends. Please keep them safe and healthy. Let today shine brighter then yesterday and give us the opportunity to make it better. Amen. thanks for reading xoxo

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Hyenas and the wolf...

Saturday Michael had a wrestling tournament in Elk Horn, he got first and second place!! I wished I could have gone to watch him. Its hard when the places are far away and it sucks that Jade and Alex don't cooperate when we go to his wrestling matches. I hope to get to see him wrestle Greco and Freestyle soon. I am very proud of him.

So since Michael was there in Elk Horn, the rest of us went to Storybook Gardens in the Dells. We had a coupon for 35% off so it was worth it. The animals were great and the kids really liked it. Kato got super excited cause they had hyena's and he has never seen one in real life. We were a little taken back by the fact that we could see something was going on with them. Did you know that the males and females have the same private parts? They both were feeling a little excited and those things were dangling down like 8 inches. Then they would both go over to a rock in their cage and rub their butts up against it. They were making these weird sounds and I wasn't sure if we should stay and watch or move along!! We stayed and watched. Anyway, they settled down and we continued on our journey. We fed some animals watched a show and headed out for a picnic lunch up at Castle Rock Lake. We walked down by the marina and let the kids play on the toys then headed for home but not before stopping for some ice cream. It was a wonderful day, until we got home and all freaking heck broke loose!!!

Michael got a job which I am very proud of him for but things got messed up quick when he didn't mention his trip to Washington over the summer. So I had to hustle around helping him figure out what he should do, find him a ticket to fly home early so he could keep the job, call his Dad and let him know the good news which he did not take very well which upset me cause I don't like getting yelled at, make dinner which took forever cause I had to do it myself, get things cleaned up and put away, make some return phone calls from while we were gone and go pee. It was super nuts and very stressful!! Once things calmed down a bit and everything was getting back to normal I still couldn't get things off my mind and I was pretty upset, some stuff that was said to me really hurt and pissed me off. It felt like I was thrown to a hungry wolf and the biting would just not stop. I count down the days to where I don't have to deal with it anymore. Anyway, Michael is growing up and learning responsibility I am very very proud of him and wish him nothing but the best in life. His first job is a big deal and we are thankful that his new job is understanding about his trip to WA. Most places wouldn't be but thats a benefit of living in a small town and having awesome neighbors who vouch for your teenager. Thanks to Ellen and Dan, we really appreciate you guys!!

Thanks for reading xoxo

Friday, May 14, 2010

Its all about the artist

Yesterday we decided to color a bit. Jade really likes markers over crayons but I offer her both. When I wasn't looking she managed to color the inside of her nose purple, marked her neck and ear with pink, and ate some of the tip off her red crayon. If only she would use the paper...thanks for reading xoxo

Alex's potty mouth

Good news is that I passed my 2nd diabetes test. My arms looked like pin cushions and my finger tip was super sore but its over!! As of Monday I will have 9 weeks left.

Last night we were up in Jades room after her bath. I was sitting on her bed and Alex was jumping on it behind me. Kato and Jade were on the floor getting dressed. Sometimes kids just start saying stuff that is mumbo jumbo and Alex was doing this when all of a sudden he said stuff like blits mits tits...then he chuckled and said "i just said tits!" Kato and I chuckled a little and said yes you did but lets not say it again ok. But before we could even get that out he blurted out loudly "I JUST FARTED TWO TIMES!!" All this while he is jumping on the bed. It was funny and Kato and I started laughing. He just says whatever is on his mind at the time without even thinking.

Michael is wrestling this weekend in Elkhorn and he has a job interview today. GO MICHAEL!!
thanks for reading xoxo

Monday, May 10, 2010

Mothers Day Weekend

Saturday I spent half the day at the clinic getting my 2nd diabetes test done. Let's hope I passed. My arms were sore but I still had to get groceries. We weren't sure what the plan was for mothers day yet but by 5pm, I figured we would spend a quiet day at home. At 5:30 that changed. I had to rush out to the store again and get stuff for brunch. Sunday morning came and I wished I could have slept in a bit. I baked a ham, made salad, pasta salad, brats, sauerkraut, fruit platter, scrambled eggs, potatoes, waffles with strawberries and whipped cream, cheese and sausage platter, cinnamon rolls, and coffee. Jayne and Keith came over and we dug in! It was pretty good and the best part was I didn't have to clean it up, my husband did all the cleaning! It was so nice of him. The kids gave me a card that played music and Alex drew me a picture of him with his large brain. It was super cute. We went outside and went for a walk then we watched the Lovely Bones...sad but good. All in all it was a good mothers day.

As of today I only have 10 weeks of pregnancy left. Its going fast, maybe too fast. Kato made a comment that it was the last 10 weeks of pregnancy for the rest of my life. He also questioned if I was ready for that. At this point I am pretty darn sure. Heartburn is setting in, uncomfortable sleep, big fat ass and belly, OH YES I AM SURE! Kinda wish I would have had one more boy to secure the Katers namesake but I think it will be fine. Thanks for reading xoxo

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

doctor visits and blankets

Saturday I had a diabetes test, I failed. This Saturday I get to go do it again, the test that is. I am sure it will be fine but the time wasted sucks!!! Tomorrow I have a doctors appointment and I really don't want to go. I feel like I am spending way to much time at the clinic. With 3 kids we are there at least once or twice and in some cases 5 times a month plus being pregnant I go once a month until this month I have to start going twice a month and next month I start going once a week!!

So Jade has two blankets that she loves! One has a bunny and is pink, the other has little tabs on the ends and is silky and bunny and pink blanky. They are her security and they make her feel better when she gets sad. Some say she goes to her "happy place" when she gets her blanket and sucks her thumb, I agree with that. Well Monday night we lost one. It was sad cause she was looking for it but all she found was pink bunny. She slept fine and seemed ok with only one. I looked everywhere for pink blanky. I finally found it Tuesday night, Kato washed it and today she hasn't let it out of her sight. She got mad when I took it away at breakfast and again at lunch, maybe it would have been better for it to stay lost. Then again she really loves it and who am I to take something so loved away from someone I love so much. Thanks for reading xoxo

Monday, May 3, 2010

The Germans and Lion King

Kato has an auntie (Janet) who lives in Germany, she is so fantastic and such a wonderful lady! She is Jayne's sister and it just so happens that she is visiting along with her son and his girlfriend so yesterday we went to Jaynes and had lunch with them. It was really nice to see them since it had been such a long time since our last visit. We left Alex and Jade with the grandparents that night so Kato and I can have a date night. We headed out and got to Madison around 5:15. We walked down State Street and found Coldstone Creamery where I had some super yummy ice cream. Kato ordered a coffee drink and since it took so long to make he got hungry and ordered some ice cream too. It was really good and really expensive for ice cream but it was a date night. After that we walked some more and then headed to the Overture Center for Lion King. The show was amazing!! The opening act with all the animal costumes, make-up, lighting, and the music (circle of life) was unforgettable!! Our seats sucked but the show was so good it didn't matter. I would love to go again and sit in more comfortable seats a little closer to the stage. At intermission we got up to stretch, got the little kids a Simba and Nala stuffed toy, and Kato got a Mountain Dew in a keep sake cup! Man was he an expensive date!! With the tickets, parking, ice cream, coffee, and Mountain Dew he is lucky I didn't make him work the streets to earn his keep. I got a bottled water and some contractions from rushing back to our seats after intermission. We didn't get home until late and this morning I had some cranky kids to deal with but it was worth every minute and every penny. thanks hubby for the date night, I love you! thanks for reading xoxo