Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Sunday through Wednesday

Sunday was really hot!!! We got the blow up pool out of the space above the garage and set it up only to find 3 holes. Kato patched them up and we thought we were good but as it turned out, Monday morning we awoke to a flat pool. Anyway, the neighbors had theirs up and the kids played in it for a bit. Jade had a little frog pool set up which she liked but was much more interested in the bigger pool. Kato did a bunch of projects around the house that consisted of painting and fixing up outside stuff. He painted a small space under the doors but the color doesn't match the rest of the trim. I think he used a brick red from the inside of our house. We will have to get more of the trim color and repaint. Michael trimmed up the bushes around the house which needed to be done so they don't rub up against the house. He did a great job!! We enjoyed root beer floats made with diet ice cream and diet root beer. I think they are just as good but I am used to diet flavor stuff these days. Monday I woke up with a rip roaring sore throat and toughed it out until Tuesday and finally went to the doctors. I am at the clinic way to much and I know I have said that before. I didn't get anything for it and today Alex said I sound horrible. My best friend right now is Tylenol and even that isn't doing much for the pain. I will get an antibiotic tomorrow if its not better. I sleep like crap and feel super tired. I have to make two dozen cupcakes tonight for Alex's school party on Friday. He graduates from preschool and is going to be the dog in the school play. Should be a fun night. thanks for reading xoxo

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