Monday, May 3, 2010

The Germans and Lion King

Kato has an auntie (Janet) who lives in Germany, she is so fantastic and such a wonderful lady! She is Jayne's sister and it just so happens that she is visiting along with her son and his girlfriend so yesterday we went to Jaynes and had lunch with them. It was really nice to see them since it had been such a long time since our last visit. We left Alex and Jade with the grandparents that night so Kato and I can have a date night. We headed out and got to Madison around 5:15. We walked down State Street and found Coldstone Creamery where I had some super yummy ice cream. Kato ordered a coffee drink and since it took so long to make he got hungry and ordered some ice cream too. It was really good and really expensive for ice cream but it was a date night. After that we walked some more and then headed to the Overture Center for Lion King. The show was amazing!! The opening act with all the animal costumes, make-up, lighting, and the music (circle of life) was unforgettable!! Our seats sucked but the show was so good it didn't matter. I would love to go again and sit in more comfortable seats a little closer to the stage. At intermission we got up to stretch, got the little kids a Simba and Nala stuffed toy, and Kato got a Mountain Dew in a keep sake cup! Man was he an expensive date!! With the tickets, parking, ice cream, coffee, and Mountain Dew he is lucky I didn't make him work the streets to earn his keep. I got a bottled water and some contractions from rushing back to our seats after intermission. We didn't get home until late and this morning I had some cranky kids to deal with but it was worth every minute and every penny. thanks hubby for the date night, I love you! thanks for reading xoxo

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