Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Barbara Lamb, Katos Grandma

The rest of last week, Thursday through Saturday, went fairly smooth with no more bad news. Friday we went to Jayne and Keith's, spent some time with them and Grandma Lamb and ate dinner. We had a chance to look through Grandma's journals and read some short stories from her childhood. I am glad the family has those to look back on. She wrote a cute story about her brother and how one cold day she told him to put his tongue on something metal and how his tongue froze to it. She has alot of great memories. I enjoyed reading them and since I haven't spent much time with her it was a way for me to get to know her better. She wrote how she couldn't have imagined one day there would be a machine to wash clothes or dishes. She wrote about her husband, Bob (Robert) and their first date to the roller skating rink. She wasn't sure about him at first. She said he dressed funny. Her dads car got a flat tire on the way to the ceremony and Bob got out and fixed it. I can see where Kato gets some of his fix it skills from. Anyway, I felt sad for her because she had lost another child, even though he was a grown up. I am sure its not easy at any age. I am also sure it was really hard on Jayne having to tell her multiple times due to her dementia. I was glad we had some time with them and pray for healing for the family. Alex, who doesn't understand why she asked him about 1000 times how old he was, got a little frustrated. We tell him about how when people get older they turn into babies again and need extra help with things. Not that they look like babies but their needs are similar. They need help getting dressed and eating and sometimes going to the bathroom. They need help remembering too just like Jade needs to be reminded everyday not to bite or grab at his glasses. It may not be the best explanation but its what we had at the moment. I was glad Michael was there too since he is always so busy with things. It was a good Friday night with family in a time where nothing mattered more then family. thanks for reading xoxo

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