Friday, May 14, 2010

Alex's potty mouth

Good news is that I passed my 2nd diabetes test. My arms looked like pin cushions and my finger tip was super sore but its over!! As of Monday I will have 9 weeks left.

Last night we were up in Jades room after her bath. I was sitting on her bed and Alex was jumping on it behind me. Kato and Jade were on the floor getting dressed. Sometimes kids just start saying stuff that is mumbo jumbo and Alex was doing this when all of a sudden he said stuff like blits mits tits...then he chuckled and said "i just said tits!" Kato and I chuckled a little and said yes you did but lets not say it again ok. But before we could even get that out he blurted out loudly "I JUST FARTED TWO TIMES!!" All this while he is jumping on the bed. It was funny and Kato and I started laughing. He just says whatever is on his mind at the time without even thinking.

Michael is wrestling this weekend in Elkhorn and he has a job interview today. GO MICHAEL!!
thanks for reading xoxo

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