Thursday, May 20, 2010

Its raining and pouring all at the same time again...

Its been another week where when it rains it pours and keeps on pouring...

Monday Alex had a dentist appointment and it did not go well. We don't have dental insurance which makes it even worse. Tuesday Jade got an ear infection and had to go to the doctors. Wednesday my mom called and told me my Auntie Gail has stage 1 breast cancer, Wednesday night Katos dad called to tell us his Uncle Jim passed away. Also on Wednesday Alex went to a special kid dentist and gave us the reality of his teeth and lets just say it was a little overwhelming.

I had weird dreams all night last night and I am just wondering what bad news will we get today. Here is my prayer for the day...Please Dear God, watch over my family and friends. Please keep them safe and healthy. Let today shine brighter then yesterday and give us the opportunity to make it better. Amen. thanks for reading xoxo

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