Sunday, May 16, 2010

Hyenas and the wolf...

Saturday Michael had a wrestling tournament in Elk Horn, he got first and second place!! I wished I could have gone to watch him. Its hard when the places are far away and it sucks that Jade and Alex don't cooperate when we go to his wrestling matches. I hope to get to see him wrestle Greco and Freestyle soon. I am very proud of him.

So since Michael was there in Elk Horn, the rest of us went to Storybook Gardens in the Dells. We had a coupon for 35% off so it was worth it. The animals were great and the kids really liked it. Kato got super excited cause they had hyena's and he has never seen one in real life. We were a little taken back by the fact that we could see something was going on with them. Did you know that the males and females have the same private parts? They both were feeling a little excited and those things were dangling down like 8 inches. Then they would both go over to a rock in their cage and rub their butts up against it. They were making these weird sounds and I wasn't sure if we should stay and watch or move along!! We stayed and watched. Anyway, they settled down and we continued on our journey. We fed some animals watched a show and headed out for a picnic lunch up at Castle Rock Lake. We walked down by the marina and let the kids play on the toys then headed for home but not before stopping for some ice cream. It was a wonderful day, until we got home and all freaking heck broke loose!!!

Michael got a job which I am very proud of him for but things got messed up quick when he didn't mention his trip to Washington over the summer. So I had to hustle around helping him figure out what he should do, find him a ticket to fly home early so he could keep the job, call his Dad and let him know the good news which he did not take very well which upset me cause I don't like getting yelled at, make dinner which took forever cause I had to do it myself, get things cleaned up and put away, make some return phone calls from while we were gone and go pee. It was super nuts and very stressful!! Once things calmed down a bit and everything was getting back to normal I still couldn't get things off my mind and I was pretty upset, some stuff that was said to me really hurt and pissed me off. It felt like I was thrown to a hungry wolf and the biting would just not stop. I count down the days to where I don't have to deal with it anymore. Anyway, Michael is growing up and learning responsibility I am very very proud of him and wish him nothing but the best in life. His first job is a big deal and we are thankful that his new job is understanding about his trip to WA. Most places wouldn't be but thats a benefit of living in a small town and having awesome neighbors who vouch for your teenager. Thanks to Ellen and Dan, we really appreciate you guys!!

Thanks for reading xoxo

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