Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Saturday and the Gigantic Marshmallows

I had company Saturday morning which was a nice break from the regular Saturday morning routine. Kato did a great job of watching the kids for me so I could talk with Julie. After that I had some serious grocery shopping to do. I hate it and it always takes two carts and alot of money and time. I get looks at everyone and have to explain its something I do twice a least. Anyway, it takes about 1 hour to unload the car and get it all put away and by the time that was done it was time to get ready for the nights events. We had a cook out with the neighbors which is always a blast. Brats, dogs, hamburgers, fruit, pasta salad and corn on the cob followed by the traditional roasting of the marshmallows to make smores. This year I got some huge marshmallows which are equivalent to four regular size. They were yummy but super messy. Usually people will have two to four smores, with these babies everyone, except Michael and Mikey had one. I am not a huge fan of bugs but it just so happens they really like me and a gigantic beetle swooped down and landed on my head which freaked me out. The kids thought it was funny, Kato didn't believe me when I told him something landed on me but he finally got up and swatted it off my head. The next day he commented again on how big it was...thanks honey. Jade got sleepy around 9:30 so off to bed we went. Alex ended up falling asleep outside in the chair and Michael crashed at Mikeys. It was a fun time but I really craved a beer. I got Kato some to enjoy. He doesn't drink much when I am pregnant and I do appreciate it only cause we really like beer not to get drunk but for flavor. We have a top 6 list which changes when new beers come out. I am looking forward to my traditional after baby beer which is usually a Corona with Lime. Not sure why I crave that one but its what I craved after Alex and Jade. Anyway, thanks for reading xoxo

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