Wednesday, May 5, 2010

doctor visits and blankets

Saturday I had a diabetes test, I failed. This Saturday I get to go do it again, the test that is. I am sure it will be fine but the time wasted sucks!!! Tomorrow I have a doctors appointment and I really don't want to go. I feel like I am spending way to much time at the clinic. With 3 kids we are there at least once or twice and in some cases 5 times a month plus being pregnant I go once a month until this month I have to start going twice a month and next month I start going once a week!!

So Jade has two blankets that she loves! One has a bunny and is pink, the other has little tabs on the ends and is silky and bunny and pink blanky. They are her security and they make her feel better when she gets sad. Some say she goes to her "happy place" when she gets her blanket and sucks her thumb, I agree with that. Well Monday night we lost one. It was sad cause she was looking for it but all she found was pink bunny. She slept fine and seemed ok with only one. I looked everywhere for pink blanky. I finally found it Tuesday night, Kato washed it and today she hasn't let it out of her sight. She got mad when I took it away at breakfast and again at lunch, maybe it would have been better for it to stay lost. Then again she really loves it and who am I to take something so loved away from someone I love so much. Thanks for reading xoxo

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