Monday, October 25, 2010

Alex missed the bus...

Because we have been having such nice weather I have had Alex ride the bus to Grand Ave (an elementary school) after school and we walk from our house to pick him up. The girls and I have enjoyed crunching the leaves on our way. We meet up with Heather and her son Jacob because her older son Benjamin rides the bus with Alex. Its a great way to get in some exercise and grown up conversation. Friday was no different except when we got to the school and Benjamin got off the bus, he quickly informed us that Alex was not on it. For the next ten seconds shear panic filled my body and a cloud of terror loomed over my head. Once it had settled action mode kicked in. I grabbed my cell phone, talked with a school official at Grand Ave and called his school. Heather talked with the bus driver who also got on her radio and contacted the school. Thank goodness he was in the office. Another father who was also at Grand Ave gave me a ride to the school to pick him up, Heather stayed behind and watched the girls for me. Once at the school I raced into the office where Alex was waiting for me and thank goodness he didn't cry. He did give me a hug and when I asked him if he thought I forgot him he said no, he just forgot that he was riding the bus today. We got back into the car and went back to Grand Ave. He seemed fine with everything and was calm about it. I was thankful because lately he thinks I am the worst parent ever because I make him brush his teeth, go to bed on time, and make him use soap in the shower.
So you are probably thinking it was no big deal but remember the little boy, who is older then Alex, who got dropped off at school in June and went missing. He still is no where to be found. His name is Kyron Horman and his picture is shown above with Alex's.

thanks for reading xoxo

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