Thursday, October 14, 2010

Big Accomplishment...

Yesterday morning we were getting ready to take Alex to school. We have a routine, eat, brush, shoes, van, and leave. I tell Alex to get his shoes on while I am loading the van with the girls then when I get back inside I can help him tie them. Usually he will practice once or twice then I take over and get them tied, promising to practice more with him this weekend, which only really happens when we are getting the shoes on. So I was so surprised when I got the last of the girls in the van and come in to find his shoe is already tied! He had tied it all by himself! I asked him if he did that and he said yes, so I said show me and he did on the other foot. I was so excited I practically tackled him in the breezeway with a big hug. He quickly advised me that now that he knew how to tie his shoes he was too big to give hugs and kisses and I needed to get off him. I was so proud, we called his dad right away, and headed out the door. I think he was really proud too. Some kids learn to tie shoes early, some kids learn a little later, for him I was just so shocked cause I didn't think we practiced that much and since he hasn't really worn tie shoes since before summer it was impressive to me that he did it so well. So good job Alex!! thanks for reading xoxo

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