Sunday, October 31, 2010

Ear Pierced, Halloween, Menu

We had a busy Saturday. There was a ton of stuff I wanted to accomplish and at the end of the day I was happy only 2 things didn't get done. We got Ella's ears pierced. She did great and only cried for about 10 seconds. They look marvelous!! Alex wanted to be a werewolf but the mask was $50 and since we knew he would only ware it for 2 minutes Kato was able to talk him into being a vampire again. So we got some make up, fake blood, and colored hair spray which he can not wait to put on. Trick or treating is from 4-7 again on Sunday but this time its for the residents. Jade is getting a cold and not a happy camper, Tylenol is helping. Scary movies filled the television last night but I was too busy carving the pumpkins and getting the seeds ready for roasting to watch. I tried really hard to stay awake for Saturday Night Live but only made it for two sketches. So its Sunday morning I have ESPN on, the kids are sleeping, Kato is helping his dad fix some shingles on their roof and I finally had to turn on the heat in the house. Its cranked to 67 cause 60 in the house is way to cold, especially for Jade and the baby. So Happy Halloween to all and here's to a hopeful Packer victory.

Last week we had Minnesota Wild Rice soup, Perch (I couldn't find any walleye) and rolls. This week we opted for Gyros. NY has so many foods to choose from and since we did coney dogs for Detroit, pizza for Chicago, an ethnic stir fry for Washington, cuban sandwiches for Miami, philly cheese steaks for the Eagles game, and buffalo wings for Buffalo we had to pick something. Next week is Dallas then thank goodness for a bye week cause as much fun as this is, its harder then it seems. thanks for reading xoxo

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