Monday, October 18, 2010

We got our pumpkins...

Trying to get to the pumpkin patch to see the great pumpkin has been more difficult this year then the years of the past. Mostly because we have more kids now and everyone has things to do. We have company coming from California next weekend and last weekend Kato and Alex had Badger tickets and birthday parties to go to. This weekend Alex had a train ride date with Grandma Jayne and Grandpa Keith on Saturday and the Packers and Seahawks both played at noon on Sunday but we managed to get up early on Sunday and go in the morning. So I quickly made waffles and eggs for the kids and Kato, jumped in the shower, got the diaper bag ready, fed Ella, got her dressed and Kato worked out the rest. We were on the road by 8:30 to Pecks in Spring Green. The kids were so excited and enjoyed all the animals, the bouncy house, the haunted house, the corn maze, picking out pumpkins, and even the treats we bought at the end. It was a wonderful morning and I would highly recommend that place to anyone. We will definitely go again. Alex decorated his pumpkin right away, one down 5 to go. The Packers ended up loosing, the Seahawks ended up winning, and my fantasy football team is in the toilet. We made Cuban Sandwiches for dinner, minus the pickles and we all crashed out super early. All that fresh air in the morning tuckered us out. Its going to be a busy week and I am feeling a little overwhelmed because of all the things I have to get done before Saturday. Anyone out there have a clone machine I can borrow? thanks for reading xoxo

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