Sunday, October 31, 2010

Logan spent the night...

We invited Logan to spend the night on Friday after trick or treating. It was fun. We ate spaghetti, watched some movies, had some popcorn, and I went to bed. The rest of them had a slumber party on the floor in the living room with Katos supervision (although he is just a big kid himself sometimes). Kato found a trick book and was performing tricks with Logan and Alex all afternoon on Friday. He had fun. I am not sure what time it was that Logan and Kato fell asleep but by the time I went up to bed Alex and Jade were passed out. When I got up in the morning I was surprised to see Logan, Jade, and Kato awake, it was about 7:30am. Logan had some breakfast and we dropped him off around 10am. It was a great night. thanks for reading xoxo

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