Friday, October 29, 2010

Trick or Treat 2010

Halloween has always been such a fun time for the daycare kids. Every year we go trick or treating down water street and through the neighborhood. This year they (the people who run the village) are allowing two nights of tricks and treats, Friday and Sunday!! So today the gang got all ready and off we went. I really like it even if its cold. It is so cute seeing all the kids with their cute little costumes on. Everyone is encouraged to use their imagination to create the perfect costume. So this year Alex was going to be a vampire. We had it planned for weeks. He wore his costume to school and was so excited to be a vampire. Well...about two hours before we get ready he changes his mind and wants to be a ninja. Ok no problem he has three tubs of dress up clothes and he has a ninja costume. Then one hour before we leave he changes his mind for a moment and wants to be iron man, then wolverine, then a vampire back to a ninja and finally settling on a Knight. WHATEVER just get a costume on so we can go already!! It is almost a bad idea to have multiple Halloween events because for people like Alex settling on just one costume, when there are so many things you can be, just isn't enough. Fortunately for us Jade didn't care about her costume and whenever I asked her what she wanted to be all I got was "yeah" which means I don't really understand what you are asking me mom but I am cute when I say "yeah" and I know it. For her first time trick or treating she did well enough to almost never want to go again. She wanted her shoes off, socks off, tights off, hat on then off, gloves on then off. Her idea of trick or treating is get the candy, eat the candy, get more candy, eat that candy and repeat again. All in all it was a good time and for one night a year let them eat cake or in this case candy!! I sure hope they sleep well tonight cause I am exhausted! thanks for reading and Happy Halloween! xoxo

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