Friday, October 15, 2010

Money can buy happiness

Too bad we can't retire for a few years while raising our kids and work a little longer when we get older. Or work a little harder once our kids move out. Parents miss out on so much of growing up time with their kids because we have to spend so much time working to pay bills, and making the ends meet. People say money can't buy you happiness but I am positive it sure as heck can help!! I have spent my fair share of time working multiple jobs to make those ends meet that I am sure if I won the lottery it would only make things easier and life could be more fulfilling for my family and some close friends. I did win the lottery a few weeks ago but it was only $3.00. I told my husband to buy himself something nice! So yesterday he went to McDonalds and got a dollar McDouble and small fry. I am sure it made him happy, proving that money does buy some forms of happiness. I wonder what he will do with the remaining dollar? I love him. thanks for reading xoxo

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