Thursday, October 7, 2010

Ella and Group Flu Shots

Ella had her 2 month doctors appointment on Monday. She weighed in at 13.3 pounds was 23 3/4 inches long both put her in the 80+% while her head was only in the 40%. She is opposite of Jade. She got three shots and an oral vaccine so Monday night and Tuesday night she was a little bit fussy. The doc said she is doing great and not to worry about her Mohawk hair style, which still wont stay down and its Thursday! I blame it on the Indian heritage.

Remember Katos great idea to fix something for dinner from the Packers opposing teams state? Well we first had Philly Cheese Steaks, then Buffalo chicken (which may not be from Buffalo area but it worked), followed by Chicago style pizza (that Kato said was probably not going to be good so we just had regular pizza, go figure too cause they lost), and lastly Coney Dogs as it was what is popular in Detroit. So the next game is against Washington and I am going to have to figure out what to make which is harder then it it you'll see.
Tuesday morning we had to get up early because Kato, Michael, Alex, and Jade had to get their flu shots. I already got mine and Ella is too young to get one. We also took Liam and Luci with us and they got one too. So the 8 of us plus two nurses were all in the 8x8 room. Needless to say, Alex did a bang up job letting everyone in the clinic know when he was getting his as he yelled at the top of his lungs which was followed by a scream of pure horror. It was as if he was getting his arm cut off or something. Then on the way to school he was freaking out because someone got more stickers then he did. It was the first time I was truly happy he was at school for the day. At least now we are all in good health and ready to take on cold and flu season. thanks for reading xoxo

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