Monday, February 1, 2010

CRAZY monday

Turns out that maybe Jade had a little stomach bug but we won't know for sure unless Alex, Kato, or I get it too. Some of the daycare kids had it or got it and since we are not really sure what it is or how long it stays dormant for we may never really know all the answers.

Its been a crazy Monday!!! Thank goodness I am down one kid otherwise I would be going insane! Michaels school called and they sent him home with a fever and sore throat. It was a busy morning trying to figure out if so and so was going to be here this week, when can Michael get into the doctors, how will we get there without car seats, can I get car seats, Jade is fussy, Alex has school, car registration stickers have to be put on before you drive, breakfast, clean up, Mommy I want this, Kara I want that!! It was NUTS. Finally we get somewhat squared away and lunch then off to the docs. Throat culture is positive for strep, we cant leave the clinic without seeing a doc, 4 kids under 5, one teenager who cant help cause of strep, 20 minute wait to see the doc, 10 minutes with a doc, 15 minute wait to get a shot. Kids are fighting over toys and books, Jade wants to go on a walk about throughout the clinic and out the doors, she is now screaming!! Nap time?? Oh yes. I am hot, sweating, frustrated, starving, and tired. Back in the van at 1:20, get buckled, kids playing with the window coverings when I asked them NOT TO!! Again they play with it. Kids say they want something to eat, I, in fact, haven't eaten today yet! In the house, shoes, hats, coats, off, diaper change, potty, nap!! QUIET, its so nice. Oh yes have to eat but first make something to eat for Michael. Sneak a bite, I am really hungry now. Finally 2:00 and I am now eating. Feels good. Crazy busy day but its almost over. thanks for reading xoxo

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