Thursday, February 25, 2010

Alex and the Bruise?? or is it

Yesterday was an ok day. Things are changing everyday and some things are getting harder to deal with then others. Last night Alex had swimming lessons and we decided to go to dinner. Alex ate ok but I have seen him eat better and Jade did pretty darn good except she had to sit on Daddy's lap the entire time. Michael was milking cows and had fried chicken with all the country fixings at the farm. When we got home we were playing with the kids. At about 8:50 it was time to get ready for bed so Alex went into his room and put on his "wrestling shorts" they are really boxer briefs. When he came out he was in front of his dad and Kato asked him "what is that?" He had a strange mark on his left side lower belly area, lower then his ribs but above his hip bone. It stuck out about 1/2 inch was super dark black and blue like a bruise but it had a bump in the center. We asked him what happened and he didn't know. We decided to take him to the urgent care at the hospital because it was such an unusual mark and since we didn't know what it was from or how it got there I was very much concerned. He was not happy to go and he scowled the entire time. Kato stayed home with Jade and put her to bed. I felt kinda weird about going but when you see something like that on your child and its not explained its better safe then sorry. We got in after 1/2 hour wait and the doctor confirmed it was only a really bad bruise. She said if it gets worse or something else worries us to go back in. I felt better and was able to sleep but I had bad dreams about it. I watch way too many ER shows on TLC. This morning he woke up and complained about his leg hurting. His left leg, same side as the bruise. I gave him some tylenol but he still has yet to walk on it. Kato said he slept wrong and brushed it off. I am his mother and this is not like him especially since his good buddy Logan is here today and they like to wrestle. We may be heading back to the doctors office. thanks for reading xoxo

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