Sunday, February 28, 2010

Got it all done!!!

Pretty impressive!! What is you ask?? Getting everything done that you wanted to do with the 2 young kids on a Saturday without drama from them. I got new dishes, a new cell phone, and new groceries!! Well ok groceries are always new but I had a theme going. Today we woke up and I got the dishes unpacked washed and Kato put them away. I packed up the old ones and Michael took them downstairs for me. I really like them but I need one more set or maybe 2. I got two sets but having only 8 of everything is not enough especially if we have company for dinner. We cleaned up a bit around the house, dusted, swept, watered plants, vaccuumed, washed some windows, and cleaned the tv area. I clean that tv at least 3 times a week. Little fingers and feet marks get all over it. Tonight we are going to dinner with Jayne and Keith to celebrate Jaynes birthday. Should be nice. I am now off to watch the hockey game. What hockey game you ask?? Canada vs. USA at the olympics duh!!! GO USA! thanks for reading xoxo

1 comment:

  1. Nice work lady! Getting everything done with no kids is hard, I'm truly impressed!!!

    Too bad USA didn't win the gold but fun game to watch for sure.

    Love ya tons!

