Friday, February 26, 2010

TGIF or is it

Well its been two days and Alex still won't walk on his legs. He says it feels better but it still hurts. I called the doctor who told me to wait until Monday. Today was really rough. I had 9 kids and it felt like it. By the end of the day all I wanted was a drink of the alcoholic kind but all I got was more crap. So after making 18 meals and 9 snacks I still had to make and clean up from dinner for the four of us, Michael is at State Wrestling. No fun for a Friday. My manners were out the window and after a good 20 minute cry along with lets see how many swear words I can fit into one sentence fit, I feel much better. Tomorrow I am getting a new cell phone we will see what the in-laws have picked for me this time. Last time it was a Barbie pink phone. Should be fun. We will go to Toys R Us and hopefully stop at Target cause I would really like to get some new dishes still. I have been trying to find some I like since November. We will stop at Woodmans for some groceries and then will get home just in time for something. I need to get a new double stroller since the one I have is older then dirt and covered in it as well. I don't even know how to fold it down and the bottom is ripped out. For $2 at a garage sale it was worth it as it has been very helpful with the daycare especially when we go to the pool. Thought I would post a pic of Jade wearing a GG and Grandma Kim original. They made the dress for her. thanks for reading xoxo

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