Thursday, February 11, 2010

nothing too interesting

Things are getting back to normal. The kids are done being sick and I haven't had take any of them to the doctors this week, although Michael did mention he thinks he is getting cauliflower ear. Alex had swimming last night and did great. I talked to my mom today who is trying to figure out when she can come out here for a visit. I haven't seen her since my grandfather passed away and that was in April last year. I miss him. Everyday. All the time. Kato and I got tickets to the Lion King and I am so excited I could pee my pants which wouldn't be that hard to do since it feels like the baby is sitting on my bladder all the time. I can feel it moving around in there, mostly at night when I am laying still in bed or sitting here typing. It is my favorite part of being pregnant. I have my doctors visit tonight so it will be fun to hear the heart beat. They have to take blood for testing. Not excited about getting on the scale as mentioned previously but oh well. The weekend is almost here and I really would like to sleep in. Jade and Alex have been sleeping in until 8:30 or later on the weekends so lets hope that continues. Sleeping in for me is anything after 7am these days. We need a new computer bad so I hope we can start looking into that. Ours is over 10 years old now so its time for an upgrade. Well thats all I have to say for now. I will post something tomorrow about the docs visit tonight. thanks for reading xoxo

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