Wednesday, February 17, 2010

The Wheel and me

Ya know how there are things out there in the world that you just love but its not a love like you love your family or close friends its just a love that makes you happy or even sometimes excited? Well I have many of those and with this new computer I am able to enjoy that love even more. Its my love for Wheel of Fortune. I know kinda weird and unexpected but I love watching it on TV and playing it on my handheld video game and I love it on the computer. I would really like to one day be on the show. We watch it every night at 6:30 and usually I can solve the puzzles before anyone else. Sometimes Kato and Michael get them but its usually because I wasn't paying attention at the moment or I really didn't get it that quick. They both say I could make us some money on that show. It was in Green Bay once but I didn't know about it until it was too late. I remember when I was little visiting my grandparents which was pretty much every weekend, and we would watch it back then. I would pick out all the stuff I wanted to buy from the showcase as it spun around. Back then you had to use the money you won to buy stuff from the show. Its much better now. I thought Vanna was so lucky and pretty. My grandparents and I used to talk about how I was going to be on the show when I got big. I would always tell them that when I won I would take them with me so they could be on stage on TV too. We had big plans for the Wheel and I back then. I now have my lucky spin ID but haven't won a trip or a car yet. I hope to win something everyday except when its a trip to someplace not so exotic like San Fran or Alaska. I want someplace warm or someplace I have never been. Anyway I have been playing it on the computer for practice. I hope one day I will be on the show. I love Wheel of Fortune just not like I love my family. thanks for reading xoxo

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