Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Can I please get a break????

Sometimes when it rains it pours and other times it just drizzles for what seems like forever!!! So you know how Monday was. Monday night I change the sheets on Alex's bed as I will be sleeping there and Kato will be upstairs alone with his puke bucket. I get off the blankets on our bed that I don't want to have to wash, just in case, and get him some blankets that are ok to go in the wash. Alex's bed has super warm flannel sheets with the down comforter and duvet cover. Kato has about 3 blankets. He said he was still cold. Anyway, Monday night no one got sick! Kato stayed home on Tuesday which was for the best cause it was coming out the other end now. I worried all day about if and when Alex and I would get it. Michael was home for awhile due to strep throat although he had a shot and was feeling much better. School requires 24 hours of antibiotics and no fever. So I made home made chicken noodle soup which all the kids really liked with grilled cheese sandwiches. Later Tuesday night I got to go to watch Michael wrestle, he won, in fact the entire team crushed Waunakee!! They may have us beat at football but we demolished them at wrestling. The best part was Michael had his revenge, the guy he wrestled beat him twice last year. I also got to sit next to the founder of the Sauk Prairie Wrestling Club who had a son who wrestled there 25 years ago. He said him and his wife go to all the home meets and tournaments and watch. They kept score of everything, he was really impressed with Michael and said he has seen an improvement in him. It was pretty cool to hear that from him. He asked about his nickname, Gator, I told him that Michael got his nickname from Art Cone who was also a big contributor to wrestling before he passed away. He of course knew exactly who it was. Anyway, I came straight home and went to bed again in Alex's room. Another good night of no one getting sick and everyone awoke feeling well except for me who is super tired and want my bed back. Just when I was sure everything was on the mend and getting back to normal, Michael calls from school to tell me he has ringworm and has to go back to the doctors!! UGH UGH UGH can I get a fricken break!!!! With all the cleaning, disinfecting, cleaning, washing, antibacterializing you'd think things would be safe but NOOOOOO so now back to the docs we go. Maybe I can get a cream for my chapped dry hands. At least no one puked today...yet. thanks for reading xoxo


  1. Hey there Mom! I always run searches for "ringworm" which is why I found your blog. I own a biz,
    I produce products made with natural ingredients that fight/treat ringworm, and other bacteria, naturally, using Peppermint, Lavender, Tea Tree, Rosemary. I brought my products to the MMA and wrestling demographic 2 yrs ago. My products continue to get testimonials like, "it cleared up full blown ringworm" or "I was the only one in the gym that didn't get staph". Consider looking at the website and buying the soap bar for the Ringworm, the wipes for directly after rolling around on the mat. We just had the products tested and they prove antimicrobial for staph and e.Coli. We'll test fungi like Ringworm next but, the testimonials have come in from the beginning about that. Feel free to check my blog.
    If you do make a purchase, I'll includes samples of products you didn't buy with your current purchase. Thanks! Good luck with the fam!!!

  2. PS, you'd be surprised the soap will also help with your hands. I promise! 100% natural and esthiticians (sp?) use it on their face even!
