Sunday, February 7, 2010

Superbowl Sunday

I found this piece of bread that kinda had a smiley face on it and figured its a sign my luck is going to get better. Probably just wishful thinking.

Saturday was better. The kids seem to be done puking. Alex hadn't puked in over 24 hours, Jade was still coughing but the humidifier helped, and Michael was back to wrestling. Kato was home, with a cold, but at least he was finally able to help a little. I found a huge puddle of water in the fridge on Thursday or Friday (can't really remember when the events happened cause it all seemed to happen at once) and I freaked out cause its new and I wasn't sure if it was from the ice maker, water distributor, or something was thawing. When I told Kato about it he told me it was from a water jug that he had put in there on its side and it leaked out. Information that would have been helpful earlier not to mention it would have been nice for the spill to have been cleaned up and not left there. Anyway, later Friday night he comes up and says how about Pizza Ranch on Sunday for my dads birthday, I say have fun I am staying home to watch the Superbowl. He forgot about it. So we invited them here for a taco bar, birthday party, superbowl watching event. I want the Saints to win. I don't know if they will but it would be nice for them. Since its the last football game of the season I decided to wear Seahawks stuff. I wear Packer stuff all the time so its a nice change. Jade is wearing a Packer jersey and Alex has on his wolverine costume and FBI shoes. He went to Olivias birthday party yesterday. They saw the movie Tooth Fairy, ate hot dogs and cake and played with toys. He had fun. I am still, so far and knock on wood, in the clear for the stomach bug and kind of feel lucky to have not gotten it although when I got on the scale today I kinda wished I had it. I psyched myself up and thought if I get it I don't want the baby to suffer so I pigged out on stuff and now I am regretting those extra snacks. Good thing I am making turkey tacos, using low carb whole wheat tortillas, skipping the cheese and sour cream, and opted for diet ice cream and brownies (which are lower in cals and stuff then cake and frosting) plus in brownies there are no trans fats. So its the little things that help. I have a docs appointment on Thursday should be a real treat to explain the excessive weight gain. thanks for reading and happy superbowl sunday!!! xoxo

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