Thursday, February 4, 2010

Alex got the stomach bug...oh my

Well Alex got the stomach bug so now I am the last one who has not gotten it...yet. I felt really bad for him cause it once again gets to the point where there is nothing left to yak up and he dry heaves until it makes him cry. So it started last night about 7pm and went until 2am. I gave him 1 ounce of water this morning waited an hour and gave him some more, waited 30 minutes and then gave him some Gatorade. He slept, didn't eat anything except a popcicle, and drank water and Gatorade. At 5pm today he was ready to get out of his room. I let him. He wanted some celery so I let him. He had some cereal and all I can say is he is back to normal. So its almost the weekend and Michael has a wrestling tournament. He should be able to compete by then. I got a comment about some super soap and wipes that help kill the germs that wrestlers come into contact with so I am going to get some. Hopefully next week we all will be back to normal. thanks for reading xoxo

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