Monday, February 15, 2010

Valentines weekend

Sorry I didn't post Friday I got really busy getting ready for the new computer we got on Saturday. So Thursday my doc app was good. I gained 7 pounds which was alot but I totally expected it. The babys heartbeat was at 155. I gave blood for my quad screening and was out in 1/2 hour. Saturday we got a new computer! I love it. Its a HP and we got a printer too. I can't believe what a difference it makes with the things I do on it. Its faster and better. Our old computer was 10 years old so it was time for an upgrade. We went to Michaels wrestling tournament in Waunakee. We watched Michael take 2nd place and I was so proud. Jayne and Keith were there which was nice too because with both Alex and Jade there it was a handful. Sunday I went grocery shopping which is really starting to suck. Everytime I go which is about 2 times per month for the big stuff I hate it a little more. I hate seeing the bill go up and I hate having two carts no matter how organized I am with them both and it takes at least 2 hours. When I got home we set up the new computer well actually Kato did it and I watched, I called my mom. I was excited to hear she will be coming for a visit in March. She will be here for the ultrasound and to find out the sex of the baby, since I can't wait!! She is taking a train out and I know she has wanted to do that for awhile now. We finished up with Alex's homework and I made ribs and baked potatoes for the family. I gave the kids and Kato their valentines at breakfast which wasn't much but it was something. It was a good weekend and now back to the grind. thanks for reading xoxo

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