Friday, March 12, 2010

ITS A.............

The ultrasound was good. I have to follow up with another in 6 weeks because the babies head is measuring smaller then its body. To me that is good news but not for pushing out reasons but because Jades head is in the 75% range and her body is in the 25% range. Anyway, the heartbeat was 148 and we saw it kicking and putting its hand up to its face. The time came to find out if its a boy or a girl and after some pushing on the belly the doctor could finally see a little bit of the goods. He said he would follow up again in 6 weeks to make certain but at this point its a GIRL!!! Alex is not too happy as he wanted a brother, Kato made a comment about how lucky we are to get to pay for 2 weddings. All I can say is its his own fault. Sperm determines the sex of babies. He should have had a firm conversation with his goodies before making the deposit. I think we are both happy with the outcome and I know I am excited for Jade to have a sister. Something I didn't have and something new to experience. I am sure Alex will get over it as he is such a great big brother to Jade already. Besides it increases his chances of having to defend his sister which in his mind is a perfect opportunity to wear his superhero costumes. We didn't get a chance to determine the exact date of birth but there is still plenty of time. I had to give some blood for a test regarding the Fifths disease that Jade had last week and I will get the results in 2 weeks. I gained some weight again and yesterday I was super nervous about it but according to the scale at the doctors office it was 7 pounds. Not too bad for someone like me who has gained 7 pounds in one week (I did it with Jade). Anyway, it was a good visit and I am glad my mom was able to be there. thanks for reading xoxo

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