Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Spring Break and Sleeping or Not Sleeping

Its been awhile since I have been on to write anything. We took Michael to the airport in Milwaukee on Sunday as he is on spring break and visiting family in Washington. From there we hit up Ikea. I was in heaven at first! I love that place and wished I had more things to get but reality is our house is full and filling up even more. I did get some white shelves for the girls room and also for the grown up room, which lately is also the kids primary sleeping area. I suggested we just put every bed in our room and call it the sleeping room but that didn't go over well with Kato. Since Jade doesn't seem to want anything to do with her crib anymore she has been sleeping in her big girl bed but has also been waking up at night. I don't know whats up with her but I hope it passes soon. I already get up 3 times at night to go to the bathroom, plus at least once when Alex comes up and again with Jade then sometimes when Kato makes too much noise or rolls over and also when his alarm goes off. Maybe what I need is my own room, the closet even, just so I can have the opportunity to get some alone sleep time, but then I am sure everyone would come in there to snuggle. I have 8 kids this week with spring break and things are a little off but so far its not too bad. I haven't cried or screamed once!! Then again it is only Tuesday. We played with blocks, colored, worked on some adding flash cards, played outside and have had some fun. I am letting the older ones pick lunch. Liam picked yesterday and Rylee picked today. Logan is up next. Alex and Eli haven't been ripping each others heads off as much, and that is a nice change of pace. Breakfast and lunch take longer and the clean up is twice as much but everyone is able to sit together and eat, laugh, and finish up to get back to play time. Lets hope the rest of the week goes as good. thanks for reading xoxo

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