Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Technology is just not worth it sometimes....

Kato was on deployment when I had to go out and purchase a new computer, it was 9 years ago. I never got anti virus protection or any kind of security stuff for it. We never had a virus, we never got infected with anything and it worked great. Two weeks ago we bought a new computer and it got its first virus yesterday. It totally sucked and I got the complete run around from the Geek Squad and Best Buy. After it was all said and done and I ended up fixing it myself which came with a huge headache and pissy attitude I decided new technology really isn't all that great. I have a new cell phone that I barely know how to use, my I touch needs updating and some of my favorite apps are not working because of it, and my digital camera is going tits up. I want to go back to writing in a journal, calling on a land line, sending letters through the mail, buying CD's and using 35mm film. The only problem with that is these things are like VHS players, tape cassettes, and answering machines or for some of you 8 track players, beta tapes, Polaroids, and records. Its a never ending advancing technology cycle and I am sure when I am 80 I will be wishing for the good old days of today. thanks for reading xoxo

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