Sunday, March 7, 2010

Yeah My Mom is Here!!!!

Well after a rough night and day with Jade I am so happy to have my mom here. We picked her up at the train station in Wisconsin Dells. I saw her right away before the train even stopped and I got super excited. We went to lunch at Marley's where we tried alligator meat. It was similar to chicken and pretty good. Jade grubbed on it. After lunch we came home and Jade took a nap. Alex and Grandma Kim went on a walk to the park and Kato and I watched the Badgers win against Illinois. I made a roast and we ate dinner. Its really nice to have her here and be a part of the family for a week. Jade was super fussy and not her normal self. I think I am really tired and am looking forward to a good nights sleep. Michael and Grandma Kim will go bowling some time this week and he starts wrestling club tomorrow. Wednesday I am going to be class helper at Alex's school and Friday we have the ultrasound. Should be a really great week and I hope it doesn't go too fast. Saturday my mom will leave again and that is always hard. thanks for reading xoxo

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