Monday, March 1, 2010

Monday morning and stuff

I asked the kids what they wanted for breakfast this morning, one said pancakes, one said nothing and Jade came into the room with a dish towel, oven mitt, and a pizza pan. If she thinks I am going to fix a huge extravagant breakfast she's nuts!!! I was impressed she was able to carry everything all at once.

Alex got signed up for T-ball again, he said he wants to play soccer too. Michael got his ticket to Washington for spring break, have to drive to Milwaukee but thats ok maybe we can cruise on down to Ikea when we are done dropping him off. Kato and I may be heading off to a Badger basketball game this week, if he can secure kid sitter, and tonight we have parent teacher conference at Alex's school. He has swimming on Wednesday too. Michael's wrestling banquet should be coming up soon. Alex has a party on Saturday, my mom comes in on Sunday. That sums it up. thanks for reading xoxo

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