Friday, March 12, 2010

Ultrasound is today!!

Today is my 20 week ultrasound although tomorrow I will be 21 weeks. I guess the US will tell for sure if things are on track. This week has been flying by. My mom has been helping out with the daycare kids and even changed some diapers. She took Michael bowling which is a tradition they have and on Tuesday we went to the Shoe Box and she picked up new summer sandals for Alex and Jade and Michael got some new Adidas. Jayne and Keith are coming over tonight for dinner and we will share the news of boy or girl. Mom leaves tomorrow and that is always the hardest part. Michael has his wrestling banquet on Sunday and then it will be back to the grind. Funny how on Fridays when you spell out the weekend its over in two seconds. I will post later if its a boy or a girl. thanks for reading xoxo

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