Sunday, March 7, 2010

Jades turn to be sick...again

What I thought was going to be a really good weekend turned out to be a bit of a challenge. Saturday, after cleaning the house and getting ready for my mom to arrive we sit down to eat dinner. Jade was not looking the normal happy self that she is and I felt her head. She had a fever so after taking her temp in one ear and having it read 102 I took it in the other ear, it too read 103. I quickly gave her some Tylenol and waited one hour. Her temp did not change so off to the hospital we went. Once there they too took her temp on her forehead and it read 102.7. They decided to check her temp from her bottom. This was not fun for me. It read 103. We went to the room and they gave her some Motrin. We waited another hour and she sucked down some pedilite (?sp) that the hospital gave her. They took her temp in her bottom again and I was shocked to see it 104.4. I asked if they have to subtract a degree and they said no that is her temp. I was worried so I called Kato to come down. They thought maybe it was strep since Alex just had it but her test came back negative. Kato arrived and he brought some good fortune with him cause when they came in again to check her temp it had gone down to 100.9. She was doing better. The doctor gave the diagnosis of Fifths disease. I was relieved it wasn't something more serious like meningitis but disappointed it wasn't something that could be fixed with medicine. I am a little worried about the effects on the unborn baby but I am sure there will be nothing to worry about and will talk with the doctor on Friday. Jade had a rough night and didn't sleep too well but to keep her temp down we had to give her alternating Tylenol and Motrin every 3-4 hours. So recapping the last 4 weeks between all 3 kids we have fully supported one doctors salary for a year. I hope everyone will be healthy for awhile and I am truly thankful that all my kids are on the mend. I don't know what is harder a child who can't tell you what hurts or a parent who feels helpless when they are sick. My kids mean more to me then any words could ever describe and I love them all so very much. thanks for reading xoxo

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