Thursday, March 4, 2010

Strep Throat and the Badgers game

Alex woke up yesterday with a sore throat so we went to the doctors for a throat culture. He did not like it but I am glad we went cause it turned out to be positive for strep throat. He got some antibiotics, suckers, stickers, and Hog Wash. I felt bad for him cause I know how painful it is. I warned the other parents of my daycare kids right away just in case their kids woke up with high fevers and a sore throat. Plus its the right thing to do when someone has been around someone who is contagious with something. I hope they don't get it as I would feel even worse. Its no fun when little kids are sick. Kato and I had tickets for the Badgers basketball game against Iowa last night and Jayne was kind enough to come sit with the kids even knowing Alex's condition. She could have easily backed out and I would have completely understood but she was still excited to come over. Thats a good grandma if you ask me. So off we went and the game was great. Besides the game being an awesome event to witness in person we also got to be within 10 feet of 4 Olympic silver medal winners along with their medals. That was the closest I have ever gotten to an Olympic medal. The ladies were from the USA womens hockey team. We had great seats which were about 8 rows from the floor behind and kiddy corner to the Badger team. Kato asked me how I liked it and wanted me to compare it to the other sporting events I had been to since it was my first mens basketball game. It was hard to do as each sport and sporting event has its differences. I enjoyed it very much and can't wait to go next year. Kato took some pics with his camera and if I ever get a copy I will post it. As for this morning Alex seems to be feeling better. I am glad its Thursday and only one more work day left in the week. My mom comes in on Sunday and we will pick her up in the Dells. Next week is my ultrasound to check the baby's growth and progress and I hope to be able to tell if its a boy or a girl. The excitement is building. thanks for reading xoxo

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