Monday, March 22, 2010

Jades 15 month check up

well my hopes were crushed today as I learned that my daughters head is still way to big for her least in my mind. Jade had her 15 month check up today and dad took her. She weighed in at 20 pounds 13 ounces which puts her in the 20% range, she is 30 inches tall which puts her at the 30 % range, and her head once again is 18.75 which puts that big old head in the 90% range. The doctor said she is fine and not to worry and to me I guess she doesn't look like an alien but the numbers are proof that she just may be one. She is super cute though. No shots today thank goodness and over all he said she is doing great. She has been loving the outside and on Sunday we went for a bike ride. She wore Alex's old helmet from when he was her age, it didn't fit just right so we had to modify it with extra padding which is surprising considering how big her head is. She liked the cart and her and Alex rode well together. Now if we can get her back to sleeping through the night things would be perfect. thanks for reading xoxo

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