Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Michael got a letter and we renamed "the barn"

I hate it when I wake up at 4am to pee and can't get back to sleep. I toss and turn and start thinking about stuff and thats all she wrote!! Anyway, Sunday night was wonderful. Michael got his varsity letter in wrestling and was awarded another medal. The food was pretty good and in fact it was better then last year only because last year everyone who brought a hot dish brought a spaghetti so there was too much but this year it was more variety. I had to bring salad which ended up being the only vegetable available. Someone brought brats and they were super good.

The kids and I have been outside everyday this week so far. The weather has been gorgeous. Yesterday we were out from 9:30 to 11:15 then again from 3:10 to 5:30. Its been nice. I got the barn from the neighbors which we have decided to change to "the cottage" and Alex was excited about that. The kids love it. Jade has been so dirty everyday that she needs a bath but she loves outside just like Michael and Alex do. Today is St. Patricks day and I don't have any plans to make corn beef and cabbage but may do some brats and sauerkraut. We will see. Kato sounds like he is going through puberty again with his cold or allergy thing. Its fun to tease him. I will be tired today so maybe the kids will let me nap while they are napping, then again its not likely Alex will. Spring break is coming up and Michael will be traveling to Washington. I wanted to hit up Ikea for some stuff. Thats all the rambling for now. thanks for reading xoxo

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