Sunday, June 13, 2010

Alex goes the rain.

Since Jade was sleeping and it was warm outside I decided to take Alex to the pool. He was super excited to go and wanted to go really bad on Saturday but we had too much to do with Michael leaving and all that we didn't get back in town in time to go. Anyway, he got ready really fast and we decided to drive cause any time I walk anywhere I get contractions and then I get really tired and well I am just to darn fat and pregnant to get that much exercise. So he hustles out and then comes in to inform me we can't go because its raining. I think for two seconds and say well were gonna get wet anyway. So off to the pool we go. The water was freezing and we were getting rained on like crazy but the pool was still open. So he jumps in right away and jumps out even faster cause it was so cold. He wants to get into the big pool but at this point I am not getting in at all so I decided to sit out and just watch. That little fish swam for over an hour while I got rained on. I loved it though cause he was so happy. He asked me what he was swimming like and I would shout out different sea animals like seals, dolphins, penguins, octopus, and otters. After awhile I asked him when he wanted to go and he told me 8 minutes. After the 8 minutes was up he wanted to swim for 10 more seconds, then 80 more seconds, I didn't really care how long we stayed I just wanted him to have fun and enjoy swimming. I asked him when he was done if he had fun and he said "yes, I'll never forget that you took me swimming in the rain, NEVER!" Awesome. thanks for reading xoxo

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