Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Coo Coo for Zhu Zhu

Know what a Zhu Zhu Pet is? They are little mechanical hamsters that make all sorts of squeaking noises and have little wheels on the bottom so they can zoom around in a random chaos style. They come in different colors and have names and birthdates. The kids love them and for the most part they are not that bad of a toy...except that the kids want them like crazy!! I got one for Luci last year for her birthday, before they were the mad craze they are today. Alex got one for Easter and another one after his 5 year check up (not that he deserved it, you can read about it in a prior blog of mine) so now he has 2. I am sure I will have to get one for Jade cause thats how it is, if Alex has one she wants one too. Yesterday I gave one to Rylee for her birthday. So we had four Zhu Zhu pets going at once. The kids loved it. They were going in circles all over the kitchen. We tried to race them but they don't go in a straight line so no one really won. The Zhu Zhu's took over and now because not every kid has one they are starting to fight over them. They are taking turns but its not always easy. Kinda glad its a nice day so we can get outside and take a break from Zhu Zhu land. thanks for reading xoxo

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