Friday, June 4, 2010

Boat Owner and Aunt Gail Update

My husband officially became a boat owner yesterday. With the recent selling of the cottage he was sure to have landed at least the boat but with much sadness it seemed even those hopes were diminished until a quick conversation with the right person, his mom, changed all that. She went down and got the title changed into his name and yesterday the official documents arrived. I was very excited for him cause now I don't have to hear him say all summer "we should get a boat!" The only down side is there is no trailer. So maybe a new phrase will emerge such as "we should get a boat trailer!" Beggars can't be choosers!!

I also learned yesterday that my favorite Aunt Gail (blue shirt yellow apron), who was recently diagnosed with stage 1 breast cancer, is undergoing a BRACC test. This will test if she carries the gene that could potentially bring the cancer back if its removed via lumpectomy followed by radiation. If the test is positive this means it is most likely going to come back, if its negative it means it most likely will not. I don't know the exact percentage of probability. My grandmothers breast cancer came back after a lumpectomy and radiation, but that's not to say my Aunties will. She is scheduled to have her lumpectomy on the 24th followed by 6 weeks of radiation. I miss her and love her dearly!! She will be ok and she is a fighter so I am not worried about that it just sucks when bad things happen to really truly good people!! Pray for her please. thanks for reading xoxo

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