Sunday, June 13, 2010

Michaels Chewing Habit

Sunday, Kato was busy cleaning out Michaels room and the little kids were helping. I went down there to survey and it made me so nervous to see the little kids picking up stuff and touching things that I could hardly stand it. Especially when I see pop cans that have been used as spitters, a cooler which still had food in it from a wrestling tournament, and about 20 spitter jugs and empty chew containers. I guess Michael didn't understand me very well when I said NO CHEW IN THE HOUSE!! I knew he was chewing but there really isn't much I can do at this point. For those of you who say there is something I can do, you probably don't have a teenager. See they do what they want for the most part. If I tell him no chewing, he will just do it somewhere else. I can ground him and not allow him to leave except for school, sports, and work but he will still do it on his way to school, sports, and work. I can tell his coaches who are supposed to not let him play sports but with half the team chewing are they really going to not let them play? I don't give him any money anymore and he hasn't had his first pay check so I don't know how he affords it. Most of his friends chew and so does his dad. I care but what can parents in my shoes do? I have tried alot of things already and when I asked him straight up to stop he said that he probably wouldn't. So feel free to leave a comment as to what to do but don't be surprised if my 16 year old 6 foot 2, 200 pound high school junior laughs it off and keeps the habit. Thank you to my husband who is willing to clean that mess up all day and not go off the deep end! I love you. thanks for reading xoxo

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